Friday, January 25, 2013

Girls and a Lady or Two

Lena Dunham, 'Hannah' on Shotimes original show 'GIRLS' . This is such a funny, well written show that took me an episode or two to get into, but wow, it is worth it.

 Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga in her weird and wonderful costumes, including the notorious meat dress. Eeewwww. But she is fun to watch and she is always full of surprises. 
Lady Gaga

 M.S. Elliott 2010
Basia Koenig c-2006


Adele with enough clothing to last a summer full of concerts.

L.A. Paperdolls


More wonderful star paperdolls from M.S.Elliott 2012. This one is
Rhianna, I think.

Ballerina, Dance!